Workshop – The language of silence
On the occasion of our first collaboration with the Geneva association Couleurs de Femmes, the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève offers a creative workshop and a guided tour of the group show featuring the nominees of the Swiss Emerging Artist Prize 2022.
This intimate activity will invite participants to question themselves during an afternoon of mediation. After a one-hour guided tour, a two-stage workshop will be held and accompanied by an afternoon aperitif. A first creative station will involve shadow games and a second will consist of a collective mural.
The shadow protects, it facilitates a saved expression, it becomes support of a new apprehension of the self, of a new look. Vision and shadows intertwine. Extremely playful and liberating, the game of shadows offers a space to women, of joy, of pleasure, of sight.
A mural will be delimited by these shadows, these silhouettes already invested on the verticality of the support. The participants will be led to pursue these contours from the inside. A second fresco, opposite to the first one, will be left free in its expression, brushes of different sizes will facilitate this creative freedom.
These silhouettes of women on paper will organize the space by their presence and will allow a reappropriation of this place of exchanges, of sharing, a new investigation of our bodies and their places. Contours of bodies, formats, traces, this liberating/political and creative work.
About Couleurs de Femmes –
The Association Couleurs de Femmes has been active in the Geneva associative fabric since March 8, 2007. Free creation constitutes a space of expression and reappropriation of oneself, of one’s body, of one’s pleasure, of one’s interiority. A space without barriers, where women can meet and dispose of themselves, where creativity frees from social and cultural constraints and becomes accessible to all. Couleurs de Femmes is an idea conceptualized by Sylvie Rieder, and supported by a committee made up of people from diverse professional cultures. Art in its unique and universal dimension, favors an open and moving space, where the multiplicity of paths meet and are nourished by their testimonies.