
Matteo Lucchetti & Yves Citton – XVILL:03

Matteo Lucchetti & Yves Citton

At this 3rd event organized with the XVIIL collective – Jeanne Gillard, Ceel Mogami de Haas and Laurent Schmid – Matteo Lucchetti will present a video screening and, in conversation with the philosopher Yves Citton, look back over the Enacting Populism in its mediaescape exhibition that was held in Paris at the Kadist Art Foundation during the two months prior to the French presidential elections, in which the left took power. This continuing project is focused on European populism, which has had a major impact on the political iconography of the past twenty years.

Matteo Lucchetti (1984, Italy) is an art historian and critic and an independent curator of exhibitions. His recent projects have included Don’t embarrass the Bureau!, which was presented at the Lunds Konsthalle (2014), and Legally – Anna Scalfi Eghenter, which was staged by the Musée de la Résistance, Turin (2013).

Yves Citton (1962, Switzerland) is a philosopher and literary theorist. The political imagination of Western modernity is one major theme of his books and articles. His recent publications include Renverser l’insoutenable (Editions du Seuil, 2012) and Gestes d’humanités. Anthropologie sauvage de nos expériences esthétiques (Armand Colin, 2012).

To be read particularly: Yves Citton, Contre-fictions en médiocratie

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