
Anastasia Mordin / Lidia Terki – Sextoy Stories

Anastasia Mordin / Lidia Terki

Sextoy Stories

For its second collaboration with the LGBTIQ film festival, Everybody’s Perfect, the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève presents Sextoy Stories (France, 2014, 52’), a film by Anastasia Mordin and Lidia Terki.

The second film of a documentary diptych dedicated to Delphine Palatsi aka DJ Sextoy, Sextoy Stories goes over the life of one of the first female DJs to be respected in the underground clubbing scene of the 90s.

After Le Projet Sextoy, consisting essentially of footage, Sextoy Stories proposes a portrait-decryption of DJ Sextoy, mixing up photos, TV and private footage (Terki followed and filmed Sextoy handheld for almost two years) and numerous testimonies. These accounts of the different characters in DJ Sextoy’s life (Virginie Despentes, Miss Kittin, Patrick Eudeline Rachid Taja, among others) are based on the model of the series “Hollywood Stories”, from which the title of the film is taken.

Anastasia Mordin and Lidia Terki, directors, editors, and friends of Dj Sextoy, are behind this ultimate self-produced tribute.

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Visit the 5th floor The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

Visit the 5th floor
The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

Visit the 5th floor
The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

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