
Les Esprits Vulgaires

Vulgar Spirits

Lucas Azemar, Fulvio Balmer, Marie Demaricourt, Jorge Cadena, Antonin Ivanidze, Sayaka Mizuno, Robin Mognetti

10 films were selected from over 70 works produced by 13 students over the course of 8 months. All of them are filled with the exuberant energy of experimentation. Their crude techniques, vulgar humor, and blatant eroticism are the tools for an ambitious political critique.

They are examples of this generation’s struggle to find agency in a time when activism has become synonymous with branding and protest has been reduced to a fashion statement. They attack a society where almost every image is digitally modified, social interaction is increasingly virtual, mass surveillance is widespread, and where being engaged means slapping a hashtag in front of a catchphrase.

In one video a cardboard cutout of a steroid pumped body builder comes to life and recites the schizophrenic ramblings of Antonin Artaud; in another a young man sexually violates a sea lion that is in the process of raping a penguin; in a third two fashionable pseudo-feminists Skype each other while they instagram screengrabs of a Judith Butler lecture.

Behind their surreal, provocative and sometimes shocking surface lies a powerful naiveté and unguarded sentimentality. This is what allows these young filmmakers to risk without censoring themselves and to question with such impudence the conformism rampant in our society today.

Visit the 5th floor
Visit the 5th floor The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

Visit the 5th floor
The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

Visit the 5th floor
The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

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