
Massimo D’Anolfi / Martina Parenti The Never-ending Factory of the Duomo

Massimo D’Anolfi / Martina Parenti
I promessi sposi

The Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève will present the film I promessi sposi by the Italian director-duo Massimo D’Anolfi & Martina Parenti, during a screening and talk evening with the artists.

In I promessi sposi, a documentary with a comic approach, individual stories intersect over the frenetic days leading up to a wedding. Each protagonist represents a fundamental aspect of marriage. In addition to the couples about to make their vows, we meet Don Emilio – a Catholic priest whose course of pre-marital lessons combine faith and science, penance and regulations, sacraments and sexuality – and who leads those who believe in the sacred union as well as the , whose work is administrative. The latter, through their daily encounters with the couples, evoke an Italian society that is becoming more hybrid, changing, growing and building in its attitude to marriage. Contrasting the viewpoints of a Church representative with those of government officials, the film shows couples at a loss in the face of State regulations and Church dogma.

I promessi sposi will be screened in loop between 13.10 and 02.12.2015, accompanied by two other films: Il Castello (2011), which depicts Malpensa airport as the emblem of the security obsession of the Western world and L’infinita fabbrica del duomo (2015) that explores the notion of infinity and time using the dome of Milan as protagonist.

Massimo D’Anolfi was born in Pescara in 1974, he is a video maker, assistant director and scenographer. Martina Parenti was born in 1972 in Milan, she is a director of documentary films for TV and cinema. Together they directed five films.

Films in Italian with English subtitles.

Visit the 5th floor
Visit the 5th floor The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

Visit the 5th floor
The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

Visit the 5th floor
The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

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