
Maya Rochat & U5 – Protein Fix

Maya Rochat & U5
Protein Fix

Emile Barret, Heiko Blankenstein, Fabien Clerc, Gregory Hari, Abigail Janjic, Thomas Koenig, Céline Peruzzo, Guillaume Pilet, Frederic Post, Maya Rochat, Anja Schori, U5, Manon Wertenbroek

All is U5. The collective from Zurich U5 will propose a project with a selection of artists questioning the notion of MAXIMALISM. Installation, sculpture, video, collage, photography, drawings, sounds. All is there.

Visit the 5th floor
Visit the 5th floor The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

Visit the 5th floor
The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

Visit the 5th floor
The virtual exhibition space of the Centre

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