Robin Mognetti
The Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève is proud to present a screening of video pieces by Robin Mognetti. Through his work, Mognetti gains a foothold in the “real”, without neglecting to search for a system, an apparatus adapted to each creation. He proposes with his video works a documentary approach reconditioned by a fictional language. Living as close as possible to his subjects, he seeks to create an experience, a relationship and to center their life and their privacy.
Silver Stone Staline, 2015, 23 min
Anzori Koulachidze, ex officer the Official Brigade of Cultural Objects in Georgia is commissionned to recover Stalin’s bust, stolen the day before the commemoration day of 9 May in the village of Akura.
Totally Lies, 2015, 11 min
Three girl bloggers accept an invitation to take part in one of Robin Mognetti’s films. During the shooting, they meet a former Hell’s Angel, the ultimate archetypal misogynist, for whom they have lukewarm feelings. Do these three digifeminists with demands inherited from Judith Butler find a man to represent them at fair value?
Nastinka, 2016, 15 min
Sébastien Guiberti is trying to recover custody of his daughter Anastasia, after he unfairly lost it after being charged of fondling her by his ex-wife. Heartbroken and condemned, these charges devastate his life, where struggle (against disease and to be able to see his daughter) overshadow his daily life. Made as a future letter to his daughter and a testament written by four hands by Sebastien and Mognetti, the film serves as its protagonist’s own advocacy.
Robin Mognetti (1990) was born in Paris, since two years, he studies Cinema at HEAD-Genève, where he also lives and works. His films were selected at Visions du Réel (Nyon) and Indie Lisboa, among others.