Late opening
Chrysalis: The Butterfly Dream
This Thursday June 8, 2023, the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève opens late! It will be a perfect opportunity to visit Chrysalis: The Butterfly Dream and join a free guided tour at 6.30pm (in Fremch, booking advised).
This group exhibition is devoted to the transformations that occur within us as well as outside of us. Life itself is subject to constant change, to a constant state of ephemeral, unstable flux. Its incessant reconfigurations began long before the emergence of humans and will continue long into the future.
Chrysalis pays homage to the world’s never-ending metamorphosis and all its organic (and inorganic) inhabitants. The exhibition explores the concept of mutability from a wide range of different formal, existential, and political angles. Each thing, each image, and each form in this exhibition is in flux—shifting from one state to another, becoming something else, cycling through multiple identities.
Chrysalis: The Butterfly Dream is a project curated by Andrea Bellini.
Curatorial advisors: Sarah Lombardi and Sara De Chiara.
In collaboration with Collection de l’Art Brut in Lausanne.