Design graphique en Suisse Romande
The Centre has invited Schönherwehrs – the innovative visual communication agency created by young graphic designers Gregor Schönborn, Stéphane Hernandez and Niels Wehrspann – to curate in conjunction with Katya García-Antón (director of the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève) an exhibition dedicated to the practices and recent productions in graphic design in Romandie.
PANORAMA invites the spectator to explore the little known graphic landscape of this dynamic region – its richness, diversity and local specificities, as well as to discover its relation with other fields of contemporary culture.
Approximately sixty graphic designers and communication agencies will be presented in this project. We are invited into the visual and discursive universe of a graphic design studio. Posters large and small, fold-outs and brochures, invitations, flyers, books and magazines many of them rare, may be leafed through and examined. At the same time, a sound landscape interweaves the designers’ voices, relating their most challenging experiences in the course of their design career, and the everyday sounds of their studios. An exhibition to see, touch and hear.
This project takes place at a time when the profession is facing an in-depth realignment that affects its tools as much as its economic and cultural context. Visual communication is being impacted by several currents: the globalization of influences and references; the growing weight of marketing; the democratization of the tools used; and the increased need of the individual to have an image and to manipulate it, to cite only a few.
PANORAMA affirms graphic design as a cultural asset whose practice cannot be reduced to its commercial aims. By modulating the way people see their culture, graphic design shapes the values of that culture. The exhibition intends to increase the public’s and professionals’ awareness of these stakes and raise the burning questions of the moment.
Curated by Gregor Schönborn, Stéphane Hernandez, Niels Wehrspann, in collaboration with Katya García-Antón
With: Ab’Aigre, Roland Aeschlimann, Aloys – les studios Lolos, Atelier B – Christian Bili, Francis Baudevin, Ben, Billy Ben, BLVDR, Boabooks – Izet Sheshivari, Sous la Verrière – Camille Bozonnet, B.ü.L.b graphix, Georges Calame, Charlotte & Mathias, Guillaume Chuard, Coboi, Flavia Cocchi, Demian Conrad, Emmanuel Crivelli, Dimitri Delcourt, DIY, Olivier Ducret, Nicolas Eigenheer, Elvis Studio, Emphase, Fageta, Federal studio, Diego Fellay, Vincent Fesselet, Fulguro, Gavillet & Rust, Yves Gerteis, Isabelle Guillaume, GVA Studio, Anna Haas, Pascal Habegger, Happy Pets, Jonathan Hares, Edi Hauri, Robert Héritier, Jean-Marc Humm, Laurent Iacazzi, Werner Jeker, Körner Union, League, Lowrider, Claude Luyet, Madame Paris, David Mamie, Luciano Marx, Maximage, Pierre Monnerat, Elena Montesinos, Neo Neo, x nico x, No-do, Notter + Vigne, Martin Oberli, Oficina – François Duley, Ongaro, onlab, Roger Pfund, Atelier Poisson – Giorgio Pesce, François Rappo, Tatiana Rihs, Eva Rittmeyer, Xavier Robel, Schaffter Sahli, Schönherwehrs, Georges Schwizgebel, So2Design, Sidney Stucki, Stuf, superbüro, Superposition, Ramaya Tegegne, Florence Tétier & Maxime Büchi, Themes, Atelier Tiramisù, Nicola Todeschini, Nicole Udry, Aris Zenone, Renato Zülli.