Writing by Drawing. When Language Seeks Its Other (English version)
Edited by Andrea Bellini and Sarah Lombardi
Skira editore, Milan-Paris-Geneva
English edition
June 2020
ISBN 9788857243504
Hard cover
21 × 29 cm
312 pages
CHF 75
Through the work of nearly a hundred contemporary artists and Art Brut personalities, the exhibition Scrivere Disegnando and the catalogue Writing by Drawing explore writing’s shadow side. A terra incognita where arabesques, reiterated marks, scribblings, compulsive writings produce “meaning” in a field outside of language by becoming axioms of the unspeakable, of what is unfathomable in the soul as well as in language.
This 300-page catalogue is published in English and French editions by Skira, brings together essays specially commissioned from curators, critics, artists, philosophers, and academics on the questions of asemic writing and walk the reader through these plural writings. In addition to texts by curators Andrea Bellini and Sarah Lombardi, this volume will also include contributions by Derek Beaulieu, Federico Campagna, Vincent Capt, François Chastanet, Andrea Cortellessa, Morad Montazami, Joana Neves, Marta Spagnolello, Michel Thévoz and Marina Yaguello. A bibliography and descriptions of the works of more than one hundred artists round out the publication.
With works by: Douglas Abdell, Vincenzo Accame, Rosaire Appel, Tchello d’Barros, Gianfranco Baruchello, Tomaso Binga, Irma Blank, Nick Blinko, Alighiero Boetti, Marcia Brauer, Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, Elijah Burgher, Axel Calatayud, Gaston Chaissac, Laura Cingolani, Guy de Cointet, Aloïse Corbaz, Dadamaino, Betty Danon, Hanne Darboven, Michel Dave, Michael Dean, Mirtha Dermisache, Emmanuel Derriennic, Jean Dubuffet, Giordano Falzoni, León Ferrari, Chiara Fumai, Pepe Gaitán, Jill Galliéni, Ryan Gander, Anne-Marie Gbindoun, Marco Giovenale, Rafael González, Giorgio Griffa, Mariangela Guatteri, Gustav, Elisabetta Gut, Brion Gysin, Ana Hatherly, Emma Hauck, Takanori Herai, Joseph Heuer, Susan Hiller, Steffani Jemison, Carlo Keshishian, Annalies Klophaus, Maria Lai, Fabio Lapiana, Jürg Lehni, Dwight Mackintosh, Kunizo Matsumoto, Viviane Van Melkebeeke, Reinhold Metz, Henri Michaux, Miriam Midley, Bruno Munari, J.B. Murray, Gastone Novelli, Palanc, Giulio Paolini, Luca Maria Patella, Enzo Patti, Jean Perdrizet, Nathalie Perrin, Laure Pigeon, Renata Prunas, Justine Python, Svetlana Rabey, Carmen Racovitza, Judit Reigl, Jane Ruffié, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Salome Schmuki, Greta Schödl, Luigi Serafini, Jeremy Shaw, Hélène Smith, Ivana Spinelli, Martina Stella, Lina Stern, Laurence Sterne, Barbara Suckfüll, Jenna Sutela, Cecil Touchon, Louise Tournay, Jeanne Tripier, Pascal Vonlanthen, August Walla, Robert Walser, Galaxia Wang, Melvin Way, and Adolf Wölfli.
This book is the result of a collaboration with the Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne. Its publication was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Republic and Canton of Geneva and Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council, as well as the Antoine de Galbert Foundation, the Jan Michalski Foundation and the christian berst – art brut gallery.
To buy the French version of this book, please go to the French version of the website.