Spoken Worlds
Hélèna Villovitch
In the nearly future
The Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève is pleased to welcome Hélèna Villovitch as part of the Spoke Worlds program, conceived in collaboration with Fabienne Radi and Emmanuelle Pireyre, both authors and teachers in charge of the two writing workshops run at the HEAD – Geneva. The Spoken Worlds series of events invite you to immerse yourself in the plural practices of reading. These evenings hope to develop, thanks to a community of voices, invigorating paths of reflection.
Hélèna Villovitch was born in Bourges a long time ago, lived in Paris for a very long time, and recently moved to Marseille, where she passes herself off as a poet. She has published “L’immobilier” (2013) and “Pour en finir avec mon sofa” (2018) published by Verticales. In 2021, she asked herself “Et si on mangeait les Legrand?” (Ed. les Petits Matins). In 2023, her film “Personne n’était sympa” (made with David TV) was selected for the FID Marseille. But what she secretly wants to do is draw.
For the Spoken Worlds, Hélèna Villovitch proposes a reading of a fiction currently in the process of being written, preceded by a micro-conference on the nature of her relationship with white plastic garden chairs.